
The tokens present in the XPath 1.0 grammar.

See also


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The abbreviated attribute:: selector token ("@").

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The abbreviated descendant-or-self::node() selector token ("//").

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The abbreviated parent::node() selector token ("..").

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The axis separator token ("::").

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abstract val Colon: SymbolTokenType

The colon token (":").

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abstract val Comma: SymbolTokenType

The comma token (",").

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The context item token (".").

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abstract val Equals: SymbolTokenType

The equals token ("=").

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The greater than token (">").

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The greater than or equals token (">=").

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The ancestor keyword token.

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The ancestor-or-self keyword token.

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abstract val KAnd: KeywordTokenType

The and keyword token.

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The attribute keyword token.

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abstract val KChild: KeywordTokenType

The child keyword token.

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The comment keyword token.

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The descendant keyword token.

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The descendant-or-self keyword token.

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abstract val KDiv: KeywordTokenType

The div keyword token.

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The following keyword token.

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The following-sibling keyword token.

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abstract val KMod: KeywordTokenType

The mod keyword token.

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The namespace keyword token.

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abstract val KNode: KeywordTokenType

The node keyword token.

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abstract val KOr: KeywordTokenType

The or keyword token.

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The parent keyword token.

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The preceding keyword token.

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The preceding-sibling keyword token.

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The processing-instruction keyword token.

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abstract val KSelf: KeywordTokenType

The self keyword token.

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abstract val KText: KeywordTokenType

The text keyword token.

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The less than token ("<").

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The less than or equals token ("<=").

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The string literal token (Literal).

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abstract val Minus: SymbolTokenType

The minus token ("-").

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abstract val NCName: NCNameTokenType

The unqualified name token (NCName).

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The not equals token ("!=").

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The number token (Number).

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The parenthesis close token (")").

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The parenthesis open token ("(").

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The path operator token ("/").

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abstract val Plus: SymbolTokenType

The plus token ("+").

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A prefixed name token (PrefixedName).

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The whitespace token (S).

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The square bracket close token ("]").

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The square bracket open token ("[").

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abstract val Star: SymbolTokenType

The star token ("*").

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abstract val Union: SymbolTokenType

The union token ("|").

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The variable indicator token ("$").


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