XQuery IntelliJ Plugin 1.9.2

24 Nov 2021

  1. In-place rename refactoring support for variables.
  2. Support for @apply and @at in MarkLogic search option custom facet extensions within XQuery code.
  3. Update the built-in function definitions to eXist-db 5.3.
  4. Code folding for the remaining {...} constructs.
  5. Bug fixes and general improvements.

IntelliJ Integration:

  1. Add paired brace matching for Saxon context item and lambda functions.
  2. Add paired brace matching for XPath expressions.
  3. Add code commenting support for XPath.

Code Folding:

  1. Add code folding for XQuery string interpolations.
  2. Add code folding for Full Text, Updating, Scripting, and vendor extension expressions containing braces ({...}).

Syntax and Semantic Highlighting:

  1. Highlight = in XML attributes as attribute values to match IntelliJ’s highlighting behaviour.
  2. Highlight direct processing instruction node (<?xml ...?>) tokens.

References and Resolving:

  1. Fix resolving elements to xmlns nodes where the namespace URI is not also bound to a prefix.


  1. Support in-place rename refactoring for variables, except for private variable declarations.

XPath and XQuery:

  1. Fix parsing FTContainsExpr in the RHS of a ComparisonExpr in XPath expressions.
  2. Improve the error message when a return is used without a ForExpr or LetExpr in XPath expressions.
  3. Don’t generate an error when parsing ?$ and ?($), where the VarName is missing.
  4. Improve the error message when a QName is used in a DirPIConstructor.


  1. Update the built-in function definitions to eXist-db 5.3. Thanks to Juri Leino for providing the built-in function definitions.

MarkLogic Rewriter XML Integration:

  1. Cache the endpoints to improve the line marker performance when the data has been previously calculated.
  2. In the Endpoints tool window navigate to the module file, not the rewriter XML element that references it.

MarkLogic Search Options XML Integration:

  1. Support resolving parse/@at, start-facet/@at, and finish-facet/@at attribute values in XQuery direct constructors to the XQuery/MJS/SJS file they reference.
  2. Support resolving parse/@apply, start-facet/@apply, and finish-facet/@apply attribute values in XQuery direct constructors to the XQuery function they reference.
  3. Add line markers to functions referenced by custom facets in search options XQuery direct constructors.