XQuery IntelliJ Plugin 1.1

10 Apr 2018

Language Support:

  1. Support using MarkLogic 8.0 array-node() and object-node() tests in document-node() tests.
  2. Fix parsing Saxon 9.8 tuple types with whitespace or comments after the item type with an occurrence indicator and before the comma.
  3. Fix parsing Saxon 9.8 union types with whitespace or comments after the QName and before the comma.
  4. Fix parsing TypedFunctionTest constructs with whitespace or comments after the item type with an occurrence indicator and before the comma.
  5. Improve error recovery when parsing incomplete QNames in direct element constructor start and end tags, e.g. <a:></a:>.
  6. Fix tokenizing ``[...`]``.

Syntax Highlighting:

  1. Highlight NCNames in processing-instruction StringLiterals.

References and Resolving:

  1. Only the variable for the active typeswitch case/default clause should be in scope.
  2. Fix for/let bindings so previous binding variables are visible from the in expression.
  3. Fix checking multiple declared variables in a Scripting Extensions BlockVarDecl node.


  1. XQST0118: Mismatched open and close XML tag in direct element constructors.